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The Biggest Lie About Success

“Find your passion and keep hustling.” Ugh.

If every person puts their head down and works super hard on something they love – and do just that for the next 20 years – every. single. one. would have achieved exceptional success. But that’s clearly not the case.

I am sure you can think of at least one person who is an incredible hard worker but isn’t quite where they want to be yet. Still, they pour more hours more energy into their work, waiting for a taste of success, many times leading to burn out.

What successful people don’t tell you is that a good chunk of their success comes effortlessly. This happens when you leverage your drive and align with your strengths. This is when you stop struggling and work doesn’t feel like work. 

So the next time you are about to throw yourself into the hustle culture – pause and reflect: Want to work hard? Or work smart?