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Finding Your Effortless Path

I am an introvert by nature. I was given feedback that I should speak up a lot more in meetings. I am not the kind that would say something just for the sake of it. But I was affected by this feedback so much that I thought I wouldn’t stand out if I didn’t change myself. 

And I did force myself to change. It felt so inauthentic and more importantly it would drain me. Then one of my mentors asked me this question: The way you’re forcing yourself right now… Is that the only way? Can you find your OWN way to stand out? 

Then one of my mentors asked me this question: The way you’re forcing yourself right now… Is that the only way? Can you find your OWN way to stand out? And that question was my AHA moment. I don’t have to change who I am at my core. Now I speak up only when I feel there is a need to, I am very intentional and strong about it. It made a world of difference to how authentic I felt at work. 

My message to you today is – the next time you find yourself conforming to match everyone else around you, could you please pause and ask if there’s another way? YOUR way to get to where you want to be?