Do You Have Shiny Object Syndrome?

Do you have shiny object syndrome?

That is- do you tend to chase shiny new projects or ideas that come your way and ditch whatever you’re doing? 

I think it is a sign that you are NOT a 100% involved in what you’re working on, right now. It’s okay. Let go and see if this shiny new object absorbs you and has your unwavering focus. Harness the energy from this shift.

The problem is when you keep abandoning projects and you’re NEVER able to finish ANYTHING. If so, remember these three points to gain a long term perspective: 

  1. Slow down: Wait and observe if the urge or distraction passes
  2. New isn’t always better: Don’t fall victim to hypes and trends around you  
  3. Always put yourself first: Focus on what YOU want and stand for and see progress happen.



When you keep abandoning projects and you’re NEVER able to finish ANYTHING watch the video for three points to gain a long-term perspective.