Stop Being Busy

Sorry, I can’t do that– very busy today.

Let’s see… I’m busy this week, this entire quarter. You know what, 2022 will be a busy year too.

If you are busy all day long but seem to accomplish very little –

then you’re spending a lot of your effort on a lot of trivial tasks and are procrastinating those one or two important activities that could make a real impact with far less effort.

This is the 80-20 rule. 20% of your efforts drive 80% of results

It may not apply accurately in every single situation – the point still remains

There is always an imbalance of inputs vs. outputs. Not all time is valued equally, nor is all effort. So, no more trivial work. Go figure out the task that will get you the biggest result with least effort. Do THAT first. Delegate, or eliminate the rest.


You heard that? Stop being busy. Be productive instead.

STOP BEING BUSY – Be productive instead!

Vilfredo Pareto was an Italian economist who came up with the Pareto principle, aka 80-20 rule. He used it to describe in unequal distribution of wealth in 20th century Italy. This same principle applies to almost any situation that involves efforts vs. results. 

How can you use this principle to achieve peak performance? Easy – By eliminating/reducing effort. Watch the video to learn more!

Are you done being busy? Comment and let me know!