Entrepreneur vs Intrapreneur

A lot of entrepreneurs kind of give shit to people who work 9-to-5 – “Oh, you’re not working for your dream, you’re working for someone else’s dream.” Just let people be. Having dabbled in small business and now fully engaged in a 9-to-5, I’d argue that jobs provide fantastic exposure, and opportunity to experiment. Hey, you do you. I do want to bring up this meme though.

Anyway, sometimes employees might regret not pursuing their entrepreneurial dreams. To those, I say don’t give up on your dream, just yet. Figure out how to be an intrapreneur within your organization. What is your unique ability or quality, what do you want to stand for and your buzz to be? THAT’s your INTRAPRENEUR BRAND. Consider how your brand can impact more than just your projects, team, or department. And organizations should encourage the same.