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Perfectionism to productivity

I was just about to sit down to film for my next long video and I couldn’t help but think how far I’ve come along in this whole process.

Because at one point, it used to take me a whole weekend to sit down, script the video, film it, and edit it.

And now I’m finishing all of that in less than half of the time for double the duration of the video.

The only reason, I let go of perfectionism.

So, here are three practical tips for you too.. to shift from perfectionism to productivity.

1. Focus on the process, not the results.

Stop chasing that ideal state, start enjoying the process instead. And when you give it your everything, high quality results will surely follow.

2.Focus on progress, not proof.

Stop thinking, how do I prove myself to everyone around me? And start thinking, how do I improve myself? That’s a growth mindset.

3. Use the time blocking technique and not the to-do list.

Typically, when you have perfectionist tendencies and you have a task, especially a creative task, on your to-do list, you wouldn’t know when to mark the task as complete. So, you keep iterating and iterating it over and over again until you feel like you’ve achieved the perfect result. Instead, if you block a chunk of time on your calendar and tell yourself that this is the time that I’m going to spend on this task, and when this time is up, be it two hours or two days, I’m gonna mark the task as done.

Remember, when things are not going the way you want them to shift from taking the blame to problem solving and taking action instead.