Effortlessness vs. Laziness

Ever since I started speaking about and promoting effortlessness, I have been asked, many times –

 So you think hard work is useless? You think those that hustle and grind won’t succeed? You’re just LAZY!!

 And … my response  –

 How dare you call ME LAZY? That is pretty insulting.

 If you believe in the power of hard work and struggle – good for you. BUT – consider this:

There will always be a few things in life which require a LOT of effort. For all other tasks, find your path of least resistance, or find a way to make them feel effortless, or eliminate them. In Mark Manson’s words – figure out what you want to give a fuck about and focus your efforts there. You know yourself, your goals, and your environment the best. So manage your energy wisely.

And don’t call me lazy.