Finding Organizational Purpose

A Gallup study says that 87% of global employees are disengaged at work. What does that mean? 87% employees lack the motivation to connect and contribute to the overall organizational goals.

One of the biggest drivers of intrinsic motivation is autonomy- which is having control over how and where you channel your efforts. Do you want more autonomy at work? Easy. Determine your strengths and ask your manager for more opportunities to use them. 

According to Steven Kotler, autonomy leads to mastery, which leads to organizational purpose. He defines autonomy as wanting to steer your own ship, and mastery as wanting to steer that ship well. And – purpose is finding meaning in your journey. That’s how everything fits. Bottom line: Give  your employees autonomy and they will find purpose within your organization.


A Gallup study says that 87% of global employees are disengaged at work.How do you turn this over its head and help employees find meaning in their work?