Growth Phase Need Not Mean Low Results

Many consider learning/growth as a low-results phase. This worries high potential and high performance employees.

“I’m doing well, why should I attempt anything new and jeopardize my status at work?”

I disagree. Growth and learning don’t HAVE to automatically result in low performance.

Think about this. When things are predictable, you may perform well, but be bored. But, an extreme challenge can cause anxiety leading to lower results.

The only way you can grow while ensuring high results is when you are in the sweet spot between boredom and anxiety. That is, when your challenge is just 4% over your current skills, according to Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.

A task in this sweet spot can trigger a flow state in you – you relish the challenge, still confident and competent, without any self-doubt. Pushing your growth each time little by little, without compromising your results.

And just like that, little steps lead to big impact.