Hard Work vs. Smart Work

I am a big advocate for working smart and NOT working hard. You might have two questions for me – 

1.       Should you stop putting efforts completely?

NO. Save your energy by working smarter, or eliminating tasks that don’t matter to you in the long run. Then focus on tasks that do matter where you cannot reduce your efforts and give them your everything.

 2.       Was all your hard work so far a complete waste?  

My answer again – NO. Consider athletes. They rely on repetition and hard work. This helps them build muscle memory leading to confidence and familiarity. So, when they need to perform, their muscle memory kicks in, producing outstanding and effortless results. Same rules apply for you and your mental tasks. Tap into the confidence and familiarity that comes from your hard work. Use them to ensure effortless peak performance the next time you do the same or a similar task.  


Bottom line, use your efforts wisely and intentionally to maximize returns.