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How can Your Brain Affect Your Performance?

What do smelling freshly baked cookies… laughing at a joke… and cuddling with a pet all have in common? They make you feel gooooood!

These activities release mood-enhancing hormones like endorphins, anandamide, serotonin and, the famous one… dopamine. 

If you add Norepinephrine to this mix, which is released when there’s a challenge or slight stress, you create the most potent and addictive cocktail of drugs that makes you hyper-attentive and high performing! Positive psychologists call this a FLOW STATE.

You can get intentionally get into a flow state by simply doing what you love, in your most natural state. Drive and Authenticity.

If… people managers use this principle to get employees to spend more in flow…. BAM! Their work automatically feels REWARDING and PLEASURABLE… THAT’S how you UNLEASH the next level of performance in your employees.