Love it or Loathe it, at Work

Many consider STRENGTHS as something that they are GOOD at. But, Marcus Buckingham says that your strength is more appetite than ability, and it’s that appetite that leads to the practice, and ultimately performance. Essentially, your strength is not just what you’re good at but also what you’re passionate about. 

So how do you figure out your strengths at work? He suggests making two lists as you go about your work: What do you love, what do you loathe? What you love are your strengths. Appetite AND Ability. Simple. You ideally want your love list to be much longer than loathe list – otherwise, why are you in that job?

Next, discuss with your manager how you can incorporate more of those strengths into your projects and daily tasks. That’s all you need to make your work more joyful.


Marcus Buckingham says that your strength is more appetite than ability, meaning-  your strength is not just what you’re good at but also what you’re passionate about. 

So how do you figure out your strengths at work?