The One Question to Get You Unstuck

No matter HOW MUCH I look to minimize efforts and maximize results in life – I sometimes find myself stuck. Taking too long to complete a challenging project or experiencing a creative block when I need it the most.

And I thought, that’s life, you know. You flow sometimes, you stall sometimes.

But – I saw this short video on linkedin one day, can’t remember who made it was but it helped me shift from a fixed mindset to a headspace filled with possibilities. This is how it goes –

The next time you’re stuck, just ask yourself one question:

If this were easy, what would it look like?

Think about it. When a task is draining you, if an imaginary person finished it in lesser time and effort with spectacular results – what would it look like?

This simple question changed my life, teaching me that – in Marie Forleo’s words, ‘Everything is Figureoutable.