The Performance Matrix

A prioritization matrix helps you manage your time and priorities. My own spin on this is the Performance matrix; with two factors drive and authenticity. Drive is highly charged energy towards something meaningful to you. Authenticity is staying true to who you are in this world full of filters.

When your drive AND authenticity are high, your ‘flow’ is triggered, you are in a state of effortless action. That’s when your performance goes through the roof.

Sometimes you can be yourself but lack the drive for a task, then your results are not optimized. That task needs to change.

On the other hand, if you really want to do something but can’t be yourself while doing it, then your environment needs to change. Find your own way to do the task.

When you lack both drive and authenticity, your performance is going to be hopeless. Just get rid of those tasks.


There you go – Performance matrix. 🙂