The Problem With Feedback

There’s a fundamental problem with feedback. Let me explain.

Have you ever received feedback that feels overwhelming or simply not agreeable? Sure, feedback is valuable to improve your performance. But – it may not always align with who YOU are and how YOU want to improve. Sometimes, feedback is just flat-out personal opinion.

[Hey can you give feedback on my presentation? Sure. First off, I wouldnt wear that shirt. Pause and frown]. It is not particularly helpful.

The next time you are about to receive feedback from someone skilled, make three things clear:

  1.   The context and the intent behind your work
  2. Your working style and preferences
  3. The specific aspects you would like feedback on and why

This will help you receive feedback that is tailored to you and actionable.


If you are a feedback addict, constantly asking for feedback – ask yourself – are you looking to improve yourself or are simply seeking validation? 🙂