The Simple Formula For Growth

People say that growth never occurs when you stay in your comfort zone, Sure. But when you throw yourself into an extreme challenge – guess what usually happens?

Let’s be real, you are bound to feel anxious and your performance dips. So… where does growth really happen?

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, aka the grandfather of Flow, has an answer. He says growth skyrockets when your challenge is 4% higher than your current skills. So, the sweet spot is between your boredom and anxiety – a task that is challenging enough to stretch you, but not break you . Here’s an example.

Say I am comfortable making a 100 videos in 25 days, I can grow exponentially if I reduce the time taken by 4% or increase my output by 4%. So make 104 videos in 25 days or a 100 videos in 24 days.


Rem, growth doesn’t happen in leaps and bounds. Growth happens when you take small progressive steps, that constantly build impact over time.