What is Peak Performance?

People talk about peak performance as an outcome of hard work and high skills but it is so much more than that.

All aspects of your performance (mental, physical) go through the roof when you are in a state of FLOW. A state where you are completely immersed in an activity, with laser-sharp focus. Your action flows effortlessly and everything else just fades away. There’s no struggle, no inner criticism. Time feels distorted, you lose your sense of self. This is when everything within you comes together to produce extraordinary results, leading to peak performance.

It is NOT a myth! You might have heard or seen athletes being in the zone making seemingly impossible history in a game -or- artists in their element creating masterpieces with strange ease.


I bet you have experienced peak performance before. Think back to a time where three things happened- you were completely immersed in an activity – what you were doing felt effortless – and (v.imp) you achieved exceptional results in the end.
What does that tell you about who you are and what your potential is?